Ca. 9th-11th Century AD
This lovely circular silver pendant features a cast suspension loop and the remains of gilding on its front side, the back being smooth and unworked.
The front of the pendant bears an intricate design of two interlaced, symmetrical beasts. The creatures cross at the centre, with legs and arms protruding into the outer perimeter of decoration. Their heads are thrown back, close to the top of the pendant, with wide circular eyes and open mouths. The presence of spiral hip joints at the base of the pendant marks, along with the circular eyes and the fact that their heads are thrown back, the design as late in the development of Viking art, likely associated with the Mammen style (Ca. AD 950 – 1025).
The Mammen style was named for the silver inlaid designs found on an axe head excavated in Denmark (The “Mammen Axe”). The style is rarely found in metalwork, as the period during which Mammen was popular coincided with the decline in mass-produced metal ornaments. For a similar example, see: The British Museum Museum Number: 1866,0224.1
Provenance: Private collection formed in Europe in the 1980s; formerly in a Westminster collection, Central London, UK.
For additional information see: Kershaw, J., 2011, “Viking-Age Scandinavian art styles and their appearance in the British Isles. Part 2: Late Viking-Age art styles.” Finds Research Group, Datasheet 43.
Graham-Campbell, J., 2013, Viking Art, London.
H: 49mm; 19.83g