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Trio of Egyptian sandstone reliefs stand out in a London sale selection
Antiques Trade Gazette - Issue 2643 | 18 May 2024 A highlight of Apollo Art Auctions’ (20% buyer’s premium) April 27-28 sale was a trio...

Gandharan Art In Focus: The Origins and Development of Kushan-Era Sculpture
Gandhara provided the stage for a myriad of socio-military conflicts throughout, producing an artistic culture unique to the ancient world.

Silence is Golden? Analysing the Changing Nature of Harpocrates
Harpocrates had existed since the beginnings of Egypt, so why did he come to occupy such a popular position during the Greco-Roman period?

The Natale di Roma: Exploring The Foundations of Rome
In honour of the festival of Natale Di Roma, we will be exploring the Roman foundation myth to uncover the truth about Rome's early past.

Auction XLVIII Catalogue: Fine Ancient Art & Antiquities
Apollo Art Auctions is proud to present our brand new, expertly-curated catalogue of Fine Ancient Art & Antiquities. Browse the digital...

Constructing Christ’s Image: An Analysis of Early Christian Depictions of Jesus
It took several centuries for Christianity to establish a conventional, standardised image of Jesus Christ. This is partly due to the...

Explaining The Ides of March: Why was Julius Caesar Assassinated?
On the 15th of March 44 BC Julius Caesar, victor of the civil war and leading man of the Roman Republic, was stabbed to death in the...

International Women's Day: Inspiring Ancient Greek Women Misremembered by History
This International Women’s Day, we will be focussing on three inspiring women from Ancient Greek History who broke from societal convention.

Apollo Art Auctions achieves £1.2m in their latest auction
The Guardian - Issue n.126 | 24 February 2024

Worth The Weight: The Socio-Political Significance of The Roman Gold Ring
The study of Roman rings has traditionally been viewed as quite a niche bit of Classical Archaeology. This is a shame as, while many...

An Alternative History of Marriage: Sources on Love and Relationships From Mesopotamia to The Middle Ages
Marriage, or at least arranged marriage, has existed as an institution from the early migrations of modern humans out of Africa as a...

Auction XLV Catalogue: Fine Ancient Art & Antiquities
Apollo Art Auctions is proud to present our brand new, expertly-curated catalogue of Fine Ancient Art & Antiquities. Browse the digital...

Mingqi Unwrapped: A Collector's Guide to Early Chinese Figural Terracotta
Mingqi (冥器), rendered in English as “spirit articles”, are a broad and very interesting class of ancient Chinese funerary material made...

Apollo Art Auctions Presents: The Prince Collection
We are delighted to announce that Apollo Art Auctions has been entrusted with a portion of the extensive Prince Collection, one of the...

The Origins of Christmas and Its Traditions
Christmas is a well-known and widely celebrated Christian holiday commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ. While this is certainly common...

Independence and Identity After Alexander: The Regional Coinage of The Hellenistic Greek World
The conquest of the Persian Empire by Alexander III of Macedon was a prolonged and geographically widespread military campaign, that not...

Who Are The South Italian "Ladies of Fashion"?
A Deep Dive Into The Significance of the Motif Vase painters in South Italy began producing Red-Figure vessels in large numbers from Ca....

In Defense of Late Black-Figure Vase Painting: Our Stunning Black-Figure, White Ground Lekythos
This beautiful lekythos is one of the star pieces of pottery in the gallery and is a valuable resource for gaining an insight into the...

The History of Roman Blown Glass
Roman glassware of the Late Republic and Early Imperial period was strongly influenced in its types and styles by luxurious metal...

Auction XLII catalogue: Fine Ancient Art & Antiquities
Apollo Art Auctions is proud to present a new, finely curated catalogue of Fine Ancient Art & Antiquities. Browse the digital version of...

Apollo Art Auctions has landed on 64 Margaret Street
LONDON - Apollo Art Auctions is proud to announce its upcoming "Fine Ancient Art & Antiquities" Auction, scheduled for the 5th of...

Coins and Power: Early Hellenistic Coin Portraiture from the Ptolemies to the Seleukids
At the end of these complex wars, spanning about fifty years, the three main dynasties that we encounter are the Seleukid dynasty in...

How does Ancient Warfare impact Modern Wars and Military Tactics?
THEY often say that history repeats itself. This isn’t completely true, but you couldn’t be criticised for noticing some of the...

Debunking the Mummy: the Truth about Egyptian Burial Customs
THINK of an Egyptian mummy: what comes to mind? Layers of linen wrapping, a gilded sarcophagus? Now think again: who would be inside that...

Coinllectibles collaborates with Apollo Art Auctions on DOTs
Bloomberg - SINGAPORE, Jan. 19, 2023 Coinllectibles collaborates with Apollo Art Auctions on DOTs marrying ancient art with digital...
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